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Virtual Event
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Virtual Event Total Price
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
what you'll get:
  • A private group session on Day 2 with Dr. Caroline Leaf, featured on Glamour Magazine, Oprah Magazine, INC., Forbes, and TED for her work in neuroscience and the mind. Don’t miss the chance to join this Best Selling Author!
  • ​A one hour group coaching session with our Global Flourishing MASTER Coaches who will give you a deeper dive into ACTIVATING your purpose and life!
  • A private group session on Day 3 with Zach Mercurio from team Simon Sinek’s who features his work in purpose and mattering. He is also the author of the book, “The Invisible Thread”. Zach’s research has been awarded by The Academy of Management, the Association for Talent Development, AND the Academy of Human Resource Development.
  • ​A one hour group coaching session with our Global Flourishing MASTER Coaches who will give you a deeper dive into ACTIVATING your purpose and life!
  • Private group sessions on Day 2 and Day 3, with BOTH Dr. Caroline Leaf and Zach Mercurio where you will get tools the rest of the Summit isn’t getting. This is for you if you’re ready to expand into your next high-performance level.
  • BOTH one hour group coaching sessions with our Global Flourishing MASTER Coaches who will be sure to bring you to the breakthrough you are looking for.
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