A place where your kids can become strong, confident, and BRAVE who FLOURISH
Every child is born a genius
ACTIVATE your kids with weekly special guests, mentorships, special projects and access to the 8 week online Flourish Project!
Every child is born a genius
ACTIVATE your kids with weekly special guests, mentorships, special projects and access to the 8 week online Flourish Project!
We know that you want your child to grow in their purpose and potential.
In order to do that your kids will need something different than what’s out there right now.
The problem is that our kids aren’t learning important things
like entrepreneurship, creative thinking, emotional intelligence, and mental wellness.
We believe that your child was meant to FLOURISH.
We understand that it’s hard for school and other activities to give our kids
all they need to be innovative in an expanding world of tech and global connectedness.
Here’s how we do it

First, sign up

on our website.

Then you will be added

to our private group where you have access to the activities we are taking your children through.

Mark your calendar

for your kids to join the zoom sessions that will ACTIVATE your kids with weekly special guests, mentorships, special projects and access to the 8 week online Flourish Project!
Which is why we have created
A place where your kids can become strong, confident, and BRAVE who FLOURISH IN:
Social/Emotional Skills
(and other things you don’t learn in school)
… all while building CONNECTION with mentors and other kids?
Creativity unlocked
Compassion ignited
Community action
This membership is like no other.
Kids are AMAZING and have nothing but a bright future ahead of them if just given the right skills.
Join today and see the difference we make!
 Download our FREE PDF:
What Kids Need to Keep Teaching Us
It's Entirely Free Download Your Copy Right Now!
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